AQ Audit Industry

Auditing & Inspection

Our international accreditations enable our customers to access the world's largest markets as we independently inspect, audit and certify your food products and processes from the farm right through to the supermarket shelf.

Joint Accreditation System of Australia & New Zealand (JAS-ANZ(external link) )

JAS-ANZ is the government-appointed accreditation body for Australia and New Zealand responsible for providing accreditation of conformity assessment bodies (CABs) in the fields of certification and inspection.

IOAS(external link) (formerly International Organic Accreditation Service) 

IOAS is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the integrity of ecolabel claims in the field of organic and sustainable agriculture, environmental management, social justice and fair trade. They work internationally to assess the competence of organisations providing certification to ‘sustainability’ standards such that producers can work in a fair environment and consumers can trust the products bearing these labels; their contribution to a more sustainable and fairer world.

AsureQuality is accredited by IOAS for the scope of product certification. Accreditation number: (43). Please click here (external link) (external link) for current information.

JAS-ANZ accreditation schedule(external link)

JAS-ANZ website(external link)


  • ISO/IEC 17021 Conformity Assessment
    • ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
    • ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems
    • FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management Systems
    • FSSC-Q Food Safety & Quality Management Systems
  • ISO/IEC 22003 Food Safety Management Systems
  • ISO/IEC 17065 Product Certification
    • Organics
    • GLOBALG.A.P.
    • NZGAP GLOBALG.A.P. Equivalent
    • BRC - Food Safety and Storage and Distribution
    • SQF
    • NZ GAP
    • Fonterra Trusted Goodness Scheme (FTGS)
    • Tesco Nurture Scheme


  • ISO/IEC 17020 Inspection Body
    • MPI Recognised Agency - dairy, bee products, LAS, food, poultry
    • MPI Official Organics Assurance Programme
    • MPI Risk Based Measures under the Food Act (National Programmes and Food Control Plans)
    • MPI Risk Management Programmes
    • MPI Live Animal & Germplasm Official Assurance Programme
    • MPI Independent Verification Agency for Plant Import and Export Certification
    • Ante and Post-Mortem Meat Inspection
    • MPI Independent Verification Agency for Seed Varietal Certification
  • Seed Sampling and Testing – ISTA, OECD, AOSCA

Second Party Approvals

  • WQA
  • Coles
  • Burger King
  • McDonalds
  • Aldi
  • Spotless
  • Subway