Our Story
New Zealand has long been renowned for its food. Where growers, farmers, producers and others right across the supply chain, work hard to uphold what Aotearoa stands for in food – a higher standard of quality and safety.
We are proud to work with them to help build and protect this enduring trust in food.
With over 1700 dedicated people, deeply connected to our partners across the food and primary production sectors, we offer the broadest range of food assurance services in New Zealand.
As Kaitiaki Kai, guardians of food, we work with care and passion. Working closely with our partners, at every point of their supply chains, sharing the knowledge and insights gained from over 145 years’ experience.
We have a deep responsibility to do the right thing for food and the environments it comes from. Collaborating, sharing knowledge, resources and skills so that everyone benefits – not just in the immediate future, but for generations to come.
Owned by the New Zealand Government, our name helps inspire confidence. We deliver independence of the highest integrity. Helping Aotearoa uphold a higher standard in food as our partners proudly take their products to the world.
Mahi Tahi Tātou – Our Values and Behaviours
Our culture is a critical enabler of our success into the future. Together, with input from our customers and partners, our people have defined our culture – a place where we all belong and are empowered to do our best work.
Our AsureQuality Values and Behaviours are an important expression of our desired culture. They guide our actions and decisions, ensuring we adapt and flex to remain relevant and add value to our customers in our ever-changing, modern food world.
That’s Mahi Tahi Tātou – One team, all of us together.
More about AsureQuality

Board of Directors
AsureQuality's Board of Directors have been selected from a diverse range of backgrounds and abilities to ensure we are governed effectively.

Executive Team
Effective leadership is a central part of AsureQuality's winning formula. Our executive team leads with strong, inspirational leadership.

Annual Reports
Learn about AsureQuality's commitment to Helping our customers ensure their food is safe