AsureQuality offers first IANZ-accredited rope spore analysis in New Zealand
in Laboratory Testing
AsureQuality is pleased to announce that its laboratory test for rope spores has been accredited by IANZ (International Accreditation New Zealand).
Ropiness is a quality defect that can occur in most flour-based baked goods, due to contamination by bacteria found in the environment or in manufacturing ingredients. Affected products have a strong odour like decomposing fruit, and soft, discoloured portions that can be drawn out into long threads, giving a “stringy” or “ropy” appearance. AsureQuality’s Food and Pharmaceutical Laboratory in Auckland is the only laboratory in New Zealand able to provide a mesophilic rope spore analysis as an IANZ accredited test.
The test is one of an unparalleled range of analyses offered by AsureQuality laboratories for the baking industry on samples from ingredients through to finished products. Analyses include food safety (microorganisms), product integrity and spoilage, composition, nutrition information panel testing, stability, label claims, contaminants, shelf life and allergens.
In addition to laboratory testing, AsureQuality supports growers in the industry through on-farm certification and auditing services. These include crop inspections and certification to ensure the production of high-quality grain that meets the requirements of the baking industry, as well as QAgrainz (Quality Assured New Zealand Grain) audits conducted on behalf of the United Wheat Growers, providing confidence in New Zealand produced grain and traceability for the inputs of a processed grain product back to the farm paddock.
The AsureQuality Academy also helps to upskill those working in the industry through its NZQA-accredited training courses in topics such as food safety.
Get in touch with our team today to ensure your products are tested to industry leading standards for quality and safety, or find out about our other programmes.