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Engineering the future of safe food production

in Engineering

Engineering doesn’t necessarily spring to mind when you first think about food, beverage or dairy production, but for our team of experts providing services to the dairy, food and beverage industries, it’s what gets them up in the morning.

Our engineers’ role is to work with customers as independent assessors and evaluators. Samuel Brooks, Business Manager Food and Dairy, says:

“We walk the whole journey with our customers - from when they first start to even think about building a manufacturing plant and register their Risk Management Plan, right through every single step of the production process."

“We provide the necessary independence, from a regulatory point of view, that our customers require, along with a huge depth and breadth of engineering expertise on tap, which has enormous benefits for our customers.”

Our team are hyper-aware that their primary role is to help customers protect food safety and they take this very seriously:

“Any time we work with a customer, our ultimate objective is to form a partnership on the ground floor, so that we never have to be the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. That is always going to be a risk when you are dealing with food safety. At the end of the day it’s about having us involved right from the start. Getting it right up-front is worth every cent of investment - the cost further down the line can be enormous to a business. We work hard to help customers avoid that.”

Recent projects undertaken have been diverse and include heat treatment assessments and audits, product testing, gap analyses and premise evaluation for a wide range of customers and covering everything from dairy, fruit juice, plant-based beverages, wine and beer, to cooking stocks, soups and other liquid products.

While a significant part of our work is in the dairy industry, due to growing demand for convenience foods and products with a good shelf life, our engineers now work with many customers in the food and beverage sector, where our expertise in UHT and heat treatment applications can deliver real value. In recent examples we were able to help a fast-growing business to increase their production levels, and another customer to increase product shelf life, all while maintaining food safety and product integrity.

“We are here precisely to make things as efficient, seamless and pain-free as possible for customers so that they can get on with what they excel at – taking the very best that our country has to offer to both domestic and international markets.”