Export Verification
Export verification services for plant, arable and forestry
Inspections for export
We are MPI approved to inspect all plant products to ensure they meet the Import Country Phytosanitary Requirements(external link) (ICPR) of the country you want to export to.
MPI Approved Organisation (MAO) auditing
We can facilitate you becoming a MAO by evaluating your documented system against MPI's export certification standards(external link) . Regular audits by AsureQuality will occur once MPI confirm approval.
Verification of export phytosanitary certificates
We verify certificates on behalf of MPI for those destination countries that require MPI to issue a phytosanitary certificate for export plants and plant products. The certificate confirms the importing country's phytosanitary requirements are met. For more information visit the MPI website.(external link)
Check out the Import Country Phytosanitary Requirements(external link) (ICPR) of the country you want to export to.
Pest Surveys
We are MPI approved to undertake crop or production site surveys for a range of pests and diseases. These may be required where an importing country specifies they require product “surveyed, inspected, or tested and found free from”.
Seed certification
AsureQuality is accredited to deliver inspection and audit services to the seed industry.