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Seed Laboratory

Seed Sampling, Testing and Identification

We have been supporting New Zealand’s seed industry since 1928. Our Palmerston North Seed Laboratory (NZ01) is authorised by MPI for imported seed identification, seed sampling and testing varietal certification activities and is accredited by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA).

The issuance of Seed Analysis Certificates and Orange International Certificates by the Seed Laboratory is vital for meeting export requirements and for facilitating trade with importing countries by giving confidence in the integrity and uniformity of the seed lot. When Certificates are required for export, seed must be officially drawn by an authorised Seed Sampling Officer according to ISTA rules.

The Seed Laboratory is ISTA accredited for seed sampling (manual and automatic) and is the sole provider of authorised Seed Sampling Officers in New Zealand. Authorised Seed Sampling Officers ensure a seed lot meets ISTA requirements and the seed samples submitted for testing accurately represent a seed lot’s purity and uniformity. 

The Seed Laboratory can also test unofficially drawn samples for trade and identify seeds for import and export purposes.

Our team of highly experienced seed analysts and administration staff provide customers with a wide range of services which include:

ISTA scope of accreditation

  • Sampling (manual and automatic)
  • Purity Analysis
  • Determination of Other Seeds by No. (OSD)
  • Germination Test
  • Tetrazolium Test / Viability
  • Determination of Moisture Content
  • Weight Determination (TSW)
  • Vigour
  • UV

Testing services also include

  • Endophyte testing (in partnership with MI8 Optics)
  • Seed identification

Our customers

  • Certified Seed Growers
  • Vegetable Seed Growers
  • Specialty Seed Producers e.g. Flowers, Medicinal Cannabis
  • Orchardists
  • Seed Cleaning and Processing organisations
  • Seed Merchants
  • New Zealand Seeds Authority
  • Ministry for Primary Industries

Contact Us

New Zealand Seed Laboratory


Seed sampler audit requests:

06 351 7969

Postal address:
PO Box 609
Palmerston North Central
Palmerston North 4440

Courier address:
Batchelar House
80 Tennent Drive
Palmerston North 4410